Effective Date: 20th January 2024


Strongineering customGPT, a product of Nestuary Wellness Inc., values the privacy of our users. This policy covers the collection, use, and sharing of personal information obtained when you use our application, especially when leveraging the PubMed search feature via the E-utilities API.

Data Collection and Usage

User Queries: We collect search terms and parameters that you input to execute searches on PubMed. This information is used strictly to obtain relevant data from the PubMed database to enhance your service experience within Dr. Athletic Pro.

Anonymity in Searches: We ensure that searches conducted through our app are anonymized, with no personal identifiers attached to the queries submitted to PubMed.

Data Sharing and Confidentiality

No Personal Data Sharing: We do not share any personal information with third parties. Our interactions are confined to exchanging anonymized search terms and retrieving scholarly information that is publicly available.

Confidentiality: We treat the content of your queries with the utmost confidentiality, used exclusively for the intended service within our app.

Compliance with Regulations

Regulatory Compliance: We adheres to industry-standard data protection and privacy regulations, which include but are not limited to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

User Consent: By utilizing the PubMed search feature, you consent to the collection and use of your input as described in this policy.

Security and Data Protection

Security Measures: We employ stringent security protocols to protect your data during communication with PubMed API.

Data Integrity: Regular security reviews are conducted to maintain the protection of your personal data.

Contact Information

Nestuary Wellness Inc.

Contact email: contact@strongineering.com