1 Overview

Strongineering is a framework made to design optimal resistance training programs in an effective, practical, and time-efficient manner. It does so by taking advantage of scientific research and practical training advice, all in the form of an easy-to-use mobile app.

We designed the app to integrate the dispersed and often confusing scientific findings and best training practices.

It’s worth noting that Strongineering is a framework consisting of multiple components, which athletes and coaches can use, but it is not a training methodology.

The name “Strongineering” combines two words: Strong and Engineering. We chose the name because the framework combines the actionable with the theoretical to provide practical solutions, just as an engineer always finds the answer when facing a complicated assignment.

2 Background and story

Back in my younger days, there were overwhelming amounts of bro-science and hard-to-understand research findings surrounding bodybuilding and weight training. Desperate to develop my relatively small and weak body, I tried many methods and training programs, often without much to show for my efforts.

Despite my setbacks, training continued (it still does), and so did my search for the perfect training routine. Insecurities and self-doubt were the driving forces that pushed me to continue.

For those of us into self-training, the biggest problem is often the time spent researching, refining, switching, and re-calibrating various training protocols, often while balancing everything else in life.

Spending time in the gym and outside, trying to find the perfect training program, was a big challenge when I held a corporate job with unpredictable working hours. I am sure that countless other people face the same issue in their lives.

Moreover, we often encounter situations that force us to alter our programs. Sadly, the best way to do so is often unclear and confusing. 

One option is to use perceived tiredness and self-perception to adjust our workouts, but such adjustments often cause doubts and confusion. As a result, we don’t enjoy our training and often wonder about the effectiveness of our adjustments.

Hiring a personal trainer or coach can help immensely, and no one can argue against the merit of having an experienced person keeping a close eye on you. A good coach can examine your form and provide constant feedback for you to adjust your technique and intensity in real-time.

Unfortunately, the cost of $80 per hour to work with a trainer adds up and is not something most people can afford.

3 The App

Given my trials and tribulations, I decided to develop a mobile app anyone can use to generate a program that can be:


Flexible: alter workouts on a day-to-day basis to fulfill highly variable needs of daily lives

Sensitive: account for every user’s health condition, feedback left during workouts, and individual characteristics

Practical: log activities and efficiently track the user’s progress

Effective: create a sophisticated long-term workout plan specialized for the user’s fitness goals

Encouraging: a virtual training partner/coach that can give them real-time guidance

4 who could benefit from strongineering

Both the underlying framework and easy-to-use mobile app is designed for whom I refer to as “part-time athletes”

These “part-time athletes” who might hold day-to-day occupation apart from fitness industry, but have strong desire to make significant progress in the gym, would most likely benefit from Strongineering framework and the app.

It must be noted that the Strongineering framework and the app is catered for the “part-time athletes” regardless of their gender, age, and other demographic characteristics. This is because the algorithm assigns optimal workout volume and holistic training routine taking multiple characteristics of the athlete. 

5 why strongineering workouts would be effective

End-to-End Individualization – workouts are tailored to specific athlete at every stage of workout and all exercises.

Long-term Planning – shortest workout starts at 12 weeks duration to implement sophisticated periodization and ensure strong foundation phase is completed before hard training phases begin.

Customized Mobility Drills – Workouts include customized mobility routine as warm-ups to ensure optimal range of motion and reduce joint stress during exercises.

Real-time App Alerts – Strongineering app provides real-time updates and feedback based on athlete’s self-report measures and health data from smart devices.

Hassle-free Tracking – Workout tracking and recovery monitoring mechanisms are designed based on well-known scientific insights and actionable best practices in the gym.

6 Strongineering Framework

The training program design framework relies on five core things:

1. Evaluating overall fitness profile of the athlete

2. Designing a long-term program (also known as macrocycle)

3. Optimizing weekly workout structure

4. Optimizing daily workout structure 

5. Monitoring recovery

6.1 Evaluating overall fitness profile of the athlete

6.1.1 Athlete Evaluation

The framework starts by gathering information about the athlete’s fitness profile. It does so by enquiring about their lifestyle and health-related habits. It considers essential factors such as:

·      Sleep quality and length

·      Resting heart rate

·      Height

·      Weight

·      Age

·      Biological sex

·      Diet

·      Activity level

6.1.2 Fitness Goals & Workout Programs

Below are the primary training categories Strongineering supports. Athletes can customize their routines based on the number of days they work out per week, duration, etc.

1.     General Physical Preparedness

2.     Bodybuilding

3.     Powerlifting

4.     Powerbuilding


Specificity is the most critical factor in workout programming, but the framework doesn’t take individual fitness goals as one of the inputs. The athlete would select their primary fitness goal by reviewing the type of workout program they choose.

For example, if the athlete selects bodybuilding as their workout program instead of other options such as powerlifting, powerbuilding, and General Physical Preparedness (GPP), their primary fitness goal would be aesthetics and muscle size.

6.1.3 Mobility Evaluation Self-mobility Tests

Like a real coach, Strongineering would gather even more information about the athlete by doing 9 simple mobility tests. The tests are shown below and estimate the user’s range of motion.


The athlete can evaluate their mobility and become aware of their limitations thanks to instructional videos and simple mobility tests.

Shoulder mobility Tests

strength training resistance training functional fitness powerlifting bodybuilding muscle growth workout

Overhead Shoulder Flexion In Supine

strength training resistance training functional fitness powerlifting bodybuilding muscle growth workout

Behind-the-back Shoulder Internal And External Rotation In Standing

Thoracic Spine (Upper Back) mobility Tests

strength training resistance training functional fitness powerlifting bodybuilding muscle growth workout
strength training resistance training functional fitness powerlifting bodybuilding muscle growth workout

Spinal Flexion And Extension In Quadruped

strength training resistance training functional fitness powerlifting bodybuilding muscle growth workout

Thoracic Rotation In Sitting

Lumbar Spine (Lower Back) Mobility Test

strength training resistance training functional fitness powerlifting bodybuilding muscle growth workout

Lumbar Rotation In Supine

Hips mobility Tests

strength training resistance training functional fitness powerlifting bodybuilding muscle growth workout

Hip Flexion In Supine (tests hamstrings)

strength training resistance training functional fitness powerlifting bodybuilding muscle growth workout

Hip Internal And External Rotation In Sitting

Knee mobility Tests

strength training resistance training functional fitness powerlifting bodybuilding muscle growth workout

Standing Deep Squat

Ankles mobility Tests

strength training resistance training functional fitness powerlifting bodybuilding muscle growth workout

Ankle Dorsiflexion In Half-Kneeling Mobility Exercise Progression

With a good understanding of an athlete’s mobility, the framework creates a unique mobility score. Doing so allows it to customize appropriate and progressive mobility drills within the athlete’s warm-up routines.




For example, the athlete can perform a simple standing deep squat mobility test to understand their knee and ankle mobility and learn what a comfortable squat depth is. The below sample image (figure 1) shows an athlete able to go one to two inches past their knee but no further.

strength training resistance training functional fitness powerlifting bodybuilding muscle growth workout

Figure 1 – Athlete squat only slightly (about 2 inches) deeper past their knee

In such a case, the framework would recommend appropriate warm-up routines such as Sumo squat-to-stand (figure 2) to improve the athlete’s hip mobility for squatting. It would also avoid recommending ass-to-grass full squats for the athlete’s main workouts.

Figure 2 – Sumo Squat-to-Stand

6.1.4 Strength Evaluation

In addition to the mobility profile, the framework requires the trainee to estimate their strength level. They would perform strength tests for signature exercises for various fundamental movement patterns.

The main compound lifts within Strongineering revolve around the 7 fundamental movement patterns, which are represented by popular exercises:

·      Squat/Lunge (e.g., High Bar Squat) also known as knee-dominant movement

·      Hinge/Bridge (e.g., Conventional Deadlift) also known as hip-dominant movement

·      Horizontal Pull (e.g., Barbell Row)

·      Horizontal Push (e.g., Bench Press)

·      Vertical Pull (e.g., Pull Up)

·      Vertical Push (e.g., Overhead Press)

·      Core (e.g., Pallof press)

Each athlete would input their estimated 1RM for these movement patterns to build their strength profile. 

Based on the information, the Strongineering framework could customize the target load (training intensity) and optimal repetition range for each workout across multiple periodization phases.

6.2 Design a long-term program (also known as macrocycle)

6.2.1 Periodization Methods

The Strongineering framework currently uses two of the four popular periodization methods:

·      Block Periodization

·      Weekly Undulating Periodization

We’ve prioritized block periodization and weekly undulating periodization. Both are known for their relatively high effectiveness based on scientific research, ease of training program design, and predictable workout structure. For example, the rep ranges and loads don’t change often within the same block, at least not as much as daily undulating periodization.

We don’t yet support the daily undulating periodization method as it requires careful planning of the repetition ranges and loads assigned. We also don’t support linear periodization methods for a similar reason. 

However, we plan to support both daily undulating and linear periodization methods in near future. 

Nonetheless, intermediate and advanced lifters would be able to get enough motivation and have fun from the moderate degree of variability offered within block and weekly undulating periodization

6.2.2 Training Phases (also known as mesocycle)

Below is a sample phase distribution of a general physical preparedness program for 18 weeks. 




4 weeks


5 weeks


1 week


5 weeks


1 week


2 weeks

Let’s break these down. Foundation Phase


       Practice good technique

       Build sufficient cardiovascular capacity

       Recovery from any previous training

       Get your mind right for training

Rep ranges

       13 – 25

Load ranges (% of 1RM)

       30% – 60% of 1RM for compound exercises

       Bodyweight or 40% of 10RM for accessory exercises

Inter-set rest ranges (compound exercises)

       60 – 180 seconds*

*Could differ depending on athlete’s profile and daily workout requirement

The Strongineering framework structures macrocycle with multiple phase types, also known as mesocycles, depending on the type of workout plan the user picks.

Most training programs would start with the foundation phase, where athletes focus primarily on:

·      Practicing the exercises with good technique

·      Building the necessary cardiovascular capacity for resistance training

While this phase may resemble a muscular endurance block, a foundation phase is different because it features longer inter-set rest periods, lower intensity, and more rest days than muscular endurance phase.

The phase can also act as a buffer period for the athlete to re-evaluate their mobility and strength.

A foundation period is crucial in the Strongineering framework, as it allows most athletes to normalize their recovery from any previous training fatigue. It also affirms their strength and limitations, improves their exercise technique, and helps trainees get into the correct mindset before the main trainings start.

The foundation phase would typically last the longest for beginner athletes with less than a year of resistance training experience or those coming back from a prolonged detraining period. However, elite-class athletes and those doing a training program shorter than 16 weeks can skip the foundation phase. Muscular Endurance


       Improve Muscular Endurance

Rep ranges

       13 – 25

Load ranges (% of 1RM)

       30% – 60% of 1RM for compound exercises

       Bodyweight or 40% – 60%of 10RM for accessory exercises

Inter-set rest ranges (compound exercises)

       30 – 90 seconds*

*Could differ depending on athlete’s profile and daily workout requirement

A Muscular Endurance phase would follow the conventional definition. The goal is to improve an athlete’s muscular endurance and recovery. Athletes choosing general physical preparedness and bodybuilding programs would utilize the endurance phase.

Despite the relatively lighter load, this phase is possibly the most fatiguing and toughest of all. Hence, it is usually reserved for experienced athletes involved in long-term programs. Hypertrophy


       Increase Muscle Mass and Size

Rep ranges

       6 – 12

Load ranges (% of 1RM)

       60% – 80% of 1RM for compound exercises

       Bodyweight or 50% – 70% of 10RM for accessory exercises

Inter-set rest ranges (compound exercises)

       60 – 180 seconds*


*Could differ depending on athlete’s profile and daily workout requirement

While present in almost all programs, hypertrophy sessions take up a significantly large part of bodybuilding and general physical preparedness programs as they focus on building muscle mass for the athlete.

Building muscle increases the athlete’s maximal strength potential and aids future muscle growth. Moreover, this is the phase where athletes can practice their compound lifts with a relatively lower chance of injury as the load is usually at 60% – 80%, generally lower than in strength or peaking phases.

A hypertrophy phase is the most challenging for some people due to the shorter inter-set rest periods, but many people enjoy it as it leads to muscle and strength gain. Strength



       Increase muscular strength

       Build or maintain muscle mass

       Improve technique and range of motion for heavy lifts

Rep ranges

       3 – 6

Load ranges (% of 1RM)

       80% – 90% of 1RM for compound exercises

       Bodyweight or 50% – 80% of 10RM for accessory exercises

Inter-set rest ranges (compound exercises)

       180 – 360 seconds*

*Could differ depending on athlete’s profile and daily workout requirement


The strength phase is the core component of most resistance training programs within the Strongineering framework. It increases the athlete’s maximal muscular strength and is especially important for beginners to build up and know their approximate maximal muscular strength for specific movement patterns.


During this phase, athletes can test their maximal strength with a relatively high load and refine their technical execution of the compound movements, promoting neuromuscular adaptations.


Athletes choosing bodybuilding or general physical preparedness programs would usually test and estimate their maximum muscular strength during the Strength phase. They would be able to do so with high accuracy thanks to the heavier loads.


The strength phase is usually where bodybuilders reduce their calorie intake to lose body fat and maintain lean muscle mass, achieving the desired level of leanness for competition. Peaking


       Perfect technique

       Increase maximal neuromuscular muscular strength

       Prepare for competition and dissipate any fatigue carried over from previous training

Rep ranges

       1 – 3

Load ranges (% of 1RM)

       90% – 100% of 1RM for compound exercises

       Bodyweight or 50% – 80% of 10RM for accessory exercises

Inter-set rest ranges (compound exercises)

       180 – 360 seconds*

 *Could differ depending on athlete’s profile and daily workout requirement


Peaking is a phase where one tests their absolute maximal strength, better known as a 1 Repetition Max (1RM). Athletes should use the phase to perfect their compound movement technique for maximal strength and recover from any remaining fatigue from previous training.


Peaking in powerlifting or powerbuilding is particularly important as a pre-competition or pre-test period. Athletes must balance practicing perfect technical execution of near-maximal lifts while maintaining high fitness conditioning and recoverability.


The phase requires highly individualized and careful planning for powerlifters and powerbuilders.


Under the Strongineering framework, peaking is usually included as a pre-competition or pre-test period for powerlifting or powerbuilding programs but isn’t likely to be added to other programs.


Other programs, such as bodybuilding or general physical preparedness, have primary fitness goals not centered around maximal muscular force production in a very short period (often less than 10 seconds). Deload


       Maintain neuromuscular strength

       Maintain muscle mass

       Recover from fatigue, muscle, or joint stiffness from previous training

Rep ranges

       80 – 100% of the previous phase

Load ranges (% of 1RM)

       70% – 90% of previous phase exercises

       the overall number of sets would be lowered by 40 – 50% of the previous phase

Inter-set rest ranges (compound exercises)

       60 – 360 seconds* (usually equal to previous phases)

*Could differ depending on athlete’s profile and daily workout requirement


Strongineering Framework recommends that workout programs schedule a de-load week every 4 to 6 weeks of training. The de-load phase is characterized by a week of significantly lower volume (number of sets), lower load, and a relatively lower number of repetitions per set.


While a de-load might seem identical to simply taking time off training, the framework does not favor a complete break from working out.


A de-load week lowers the risk of overtraining for the athlete while increasing the chance of supercompensation from the previous training activities. De-loading also impacts an athlete’s mindset, as it serves as a minor goal and an opportunity for the athlete to gather their willpower for upcoming training.


The de-load phase is especially useful for general athletes or fitness enthusiasts who are not full-time fitness professionals. Some of them may lack sufficient body awareness of how tired they are from training and are likely to suffer muscle or joint pain due to sub-optimal technique.


The framework emphasizes the de-load phase as it is a structured approach to prevent overtraining and eventual plateaus that demotivate many athletes.

6.3 Optimizing Weekly Workout Structure

6.3.1 Compound exercises based on movement patterns

The Strongineering framework recommends the creation of a workout structure, especially for the primary compound lifts, based on the fundamental human movement patterns for the following reasons:


·      It enables the creation of a holistic workout that can contribute more effectively to an athlete’s ability to move in multiple directions.

·      It allows easy identification and monitoring of a movement pattern lacking in the workout. For example, powerlifting programs that focus mainly on the squat, bench, and deadlift often have less volume for other movement patterns, such as the vertical push (e.g., overhead press).


Below are the 7 fundamental human movement patterns the Strongineering framework currently utilizes.


While there are other essential movement patterns, most are subsets or alternatives to the primary movements. Hence, the framework has selected only 7 movement patterns for simplicity and practical usefulness.


Primary movement pattern

Other subset movement patterns

Exemplary exercise



High Bar Squat, Low Bar Squat, Step-up, Leg press, Lunge



Deadlift, Pull-through, Good morning, Glute Bridge, Hip Thrust, Frog pump

Horizontal Push


Bench Press, Push up

Horizontal Pull


Barbell Rows, Seated Rows

Vertical Push


Overhead press, dips

Vertical Pull


Pull-ups, Lat pull down


Rotation / Counter-Rotation / Gait / Carry

Pallof Presses, Russian Twists, Farmers Walk

The movement patterns become the basis for prescribing the primary compound exercises and structuring athletes’ workouts.


Movement patterns are usually structured in a pair (e.g., a horizontal push and a horizontal pull) to allow holistic development of the athlete in multiple planes of movement. Still, the athlete could put more emphasis and volume on the movement pattern they struggle with.

6.3.2 Weekly Workout Volume measuring workout volume

Strongineering recommends tracking training volume by counting the number of working sets the athlete does. For a set to qualify, the trainee must go beyond a certain effort level and get close to failure.


In practical terms, that means the athlete can’t do more than 3 additional reps at the end of a compound exercise set or 2 reps at the end of an accessory exercise set. recommend optimal weekly workout volume

The Strongineering framework uses a two-prolonged approach when estimating adequate weekly workout volumes.


·      First, measure the number of working sets for compound exercises by the movement pattern.

·      Second, measure the number of working sets per muscle group for compound and accessory exercises.


For example, below is the weekly optimal workout volume for beginners under a general physical preparedness program during a hypertrophy phase.


We must also note that the Strongineering framework uses only two types of exercises when counting workout volume: compound and accessory. We don’t recommend exercises for mobility and cardio by following the same logic.

Weekly Workout Volume for compound exercises per movement pattern*:

Movement Pattern















Horizontal Push





Horizontal Pull





Vertical Push





Vertical Pull










*Could differ depending on athlete’s profile and daily workout requirement

Weekly Optimal Workout Volume recommended for compound and accessory exercises per muscle group*:


 Muscle Group



































Front Delts




















Rear/Side Delt





Hip Flexor










*Could differ depending on athlete’s profile and daily workout requirement

Maintenance volume is the number of working sets an athlete does weekly to maintain their current adaptations (strength, hypertrophy, etc.).

Optimal volume range is defined as range for the number of working sets an athlete does to trigger muscle growth and strength improvement without causing potential overtraining, joint issues, or muscular breakdown.

Maximum Recoverable Volume is the estimated number of working sets that will lead to diminishing returns on muscle development and potentially cause overtraining.

For the workout volume recommendation table by muscle parts, we’ve taken many of the values from Dr. Mike Israetel’s MV, MEV, MAV, and MRV concepts.


However, there are some adjustments to the volume table considering some practical applications:

1.     Maintenance volume for any muscle is given at least 3 sets per week as we believe any muscles the athlete doesn’t train will lose neuromuscular adaptations and size.

At the same time, the volume had been increased from the initial recommendation by Dr. Mike Israetel, as the framework would count as 0.5 sets for even the third muscle and stabilizers involved in an exercise.

2.     Optimal minimum volume, equivalent to Minimal Effective Volume, is simply 1 more set from the maintenance volume as we believe that any working set volume above the maintenance volume would contribute to hypertrophy and strength development.

This is because the framework only counts working sets as those where the athlete has passed a certain proximity to failure.

3.     Maximum Recoverable volume is simply 1 more set above the maximum value of the optimal volume range.

The Strongineering framework intends to minimize the chances of overtraining and instead recommends less volume to increase the chances of athletes experiencing supercompensation. Hence, it is usually lower than Dr. Israetel’s MRV recommended values.

In its workout volume calculation logic, the framework assumes each exercise would have multiple primary and secondary muscles enabling the movement, as well as third muscles and stabilizer muscles involved in supporting the movement. This would be true whether the exercise is compound or accessory.

For every primary and secondary muscle used in a working set, the framework would add 1 set volume per muscle group. Third and stabilizing muscles involved in a working set would receive a value of 0.5 sets.

Considering the total number of muscle parts worked during the compound exercises for all the movement patterns, it results in slightly fewer sets for multiple muscle groups, as shown below.

The number of sets per muscle group worked by compound exercises in a week: 

 Muscle Group



































Front Delts




















Rear/Side Delt





Hip Flexor











*Note: Actual number of sets could differ depending on the selection of actual compound exercises across the movement patterns.

The table should not surprise anyone, but it is a good affirmation of what we believe:

Performing compound exercises has a significant impact and stimulates the holistic development of fitness and muscles.


The Strongineering framework always prioritizes compound exercises over the accessory movements in the given workout. Compound exercises tend to train more muscle groups in the same duration compared to accessory exercises. Once finished with compound exercises, accessory lifts optimize the overall workout volume per muscle growth.

6.3.3 compensating weaknesses

Aside from the number of weekly sets, the framework tries to optimize the type of supplementary compound exercises for each athlete to assist them in overcoming their weakness in the specific movement pattern.


For example, let’s say an athlete is weak in the bottom position of a squat. In such a case, the framework or a coach could prescribe supplementary compound exercises, such as pause squats. The athlete can do the exercise with a lighter load and for a handful of sets to improve their force production from the bottom.





High Bar Squat

(Main compound exercise)

3 Sets

10 reps

Load – 70% of 1RM

Session has no squat exercises, but the athlete does other movements.

Pause Squat (supplementary compound exercise)

3 Sets

8 reps

Load – 65% of 1RM

The same logic would apply to other movement patterns to ensure that each session is purposeful.


In the week after de-loading, the athlete would have the opportunity to re-baseline their maximal strength by performing a top set at 9-10 RPE (near failure). The athlete can also evaluate their mobility by performing mobility tests again. 

6.4 optimizing daily workout structure

In most Strongineering programs, daily workouts consist of three primary elements:


·      Mobility exercise that is equivalent to warm-ups

·      Compound exercises

·      Accessory movements


Below is a hypothetical example of an hour-long workout structure:

6.4.1 Mobility Exercise as warm-ups

The first component of all Strongineering workouts is mobility exercises that serve the purpose of warm-up and helping improve athlete’s mobility for the upcoming compound exercises.


For each day’s workout, the framework would recommend mobility exercises based on the movement patterns included in the upcoming session and the athlete’s mobility profile.


For example, let’s take an athlete with relatively poor mobility scores in each mobility test as an example. If they must perform a squat, horizontal push, and vertical push on a push workout day of a bodybuilding program, they would be performing mobility drills as shown in the below hypothetical example:



Mobility Exercise

Compound Exercise


       Sumo Squat with lateral shifts

       Half-kneeling dorsiflexion forward weight shifts

High Bar Squat

Horizontal Push

       Supine hands-behind-head openers

Bench Press

Vertical Push

       Supine on foam roller shoulder flexion

Overhead Press

6.4.2 compound exercises

The second component of the Strongineering workout is the compound exercises. Depending on the athlete profile, planned workout duration, and program selected, the Strongineering framework would optimize the compound exercise volume, primer sets, recommended intensity, inter-set rest, etc.


Most sessions would consist of compound exercises that also include the necessary primer exercises for the specific compound exercises. For example, if the athlete is expected to perform 3 working sets for high bar squats, they might have 2 or 3 sets of squat primer exercises such as lighter weight squats at an RPE lower than 6 (moderate difficulty).

6.4.3 accessory exercises

The remaining portion of the daily workout duration is left to accessory exercises. While accessory activities are often instrumental in bodybuilding, stimulating targeted muscular development, and even correcting bad movement pattern habits, these movements are given the lowest priority.


If the user runs out of time on a specific workout day, the accessory exercise volume or intra-workout rest periods can be reduced. Within the Strongineering Framework, athletes can reconstruct accessory exercises to become supersets, combo sets, or drop sets under time constraints.


However, the opposite is also true. If the planned workout duration is sufficient to cover the time needed for mobility and compound exercises, the framework would optimize the workout volume, intensity, inter-set rest, etc., for the accessory exercises and add more volume.


In other words, while compound exercises take priority under time-constrained circumstances, the framework prioritizes accessory exercises. It is more likely to assign additional volume for accessory lifts if the athlete has more time.


The framework recommends this approach as accessory exercises are often isolation exercises that do not require heavy weight, and there would be higher joint tolerance for additional volume.

6.4.4 optional exercises

There would also be a relatively small workout portion for optional exercise(s) to add some variation to each workout near the end. This optional exercise could be:

·      A finisher exercise(s)

·      A feel-good cooldown

·      Additional mobility exercises

·      A random exercise to add variation and unpredictability

·      Yoga movements or stretching

By adding optional exercise(s) that can be one of the choices shown, the framework gives athletes more control to structure workouts to their objectives and fulfillment.

6.4.5 inter-set rest time

The golden rule for inter-set rest or inter-exercise rest would be to recover more than enough to feel recharged and minimize the injury risk. It’s worth noting that athletes should always respect the golden rule supersede the assigned rest time by the framework, as safety and well-being come first before workout efficiency.


Nonetheless, with our hectic schedules and the need for efficient training, the Strongineering algorithm optimizes the inter-set rest time, given the athlete’s profile, exercise type (e.g., compound exercise), recommended proximity to failure (e.g., RPE), planned workout duration, etc.


Maintaining pre-determined inter-set rest times helps the athlete maintain greater control during the workout (especially in novice or inexperienced athletes).


While we will discuss other training variables that will affect the inter-set rest time range, the Strongineering framework generally recommends inter-set rest as shown below:


Recommend Inter-set rest time range

Mobility Exercises

10 – 30 seconds

Compound Exercises

3 – 6 minutes

Accessory Exercises

1.5 – 3 minutes

Still, fatigue affects everyone differently, so it is necessary to individualize the inter-set rest time by:


·      Athlete profile

·      Exercise type

·      Proximity to failure (e.g., RPE)

·      Self-evaluated restfulness feedback provided by the athlete (e.g., PRI)

·      Heart Rate (if applicable)


It’s also best to recommend different inter-set rest periods depending on the exercise. For example, while high bar squats and barbell rows might be in the same compound exercise category, athletes use much heavier loads for high bar squats, resulting in more fatigue and the need for longer rest periods.


Moreover, the Strongineering framework utilizes an uncommon but intuitive variable called Perceived Restfulness Index (PRI), or just a plain self-evaluated score (from 1 poorly rested to 5 fully recharged) the athlete provides after the inter-set rest period ends. The variable gathered is later used to adjust the recommended inter-set rest time for the next set or upcoming workout exercises.


Lastly, the Strongineering app could also utilize real-time heart rate to ensure the athlete’s cardiovascular recovery is sufficient if heart rate is available to the app via a smartwatch and a heart rate sensor.


Using these and other variables allows the framework to constantly optimize and update the recommended inter-set rest time to ensure safe and effective training, as every athlete responds differently to an exercise.

6.4.6 pre-workout questionnaire

The pre-workout questionnaire, which is a form of Self Athlete Report Measure, allows great control of the workout by the athlete.


Morever, it is used for the optimization logic to adjust workout intensity, exercises, set volume and duration based on athlete’s perception and time constraint, which are often highly variable on a day-to-day basis.


Using pre-workout questionnaire, it encourages the athlete to build a habit of listening to and being aware of their body

6.4.7 auto-regulation and optimization logic

Athletes need to input their self-evaluated proximity to failure, also known as RPE, for every set they perform in Strongineering workouts.


Along with the actual load used and repetitions completed, such self-evaluated proximity to failure would be compared against the recommended set proximity to failure, load, and repetition. The framework would then make a comparison and a real-time adjustment to the recommended load, rep range, and proximity to failure like a real coach would.  

For example, a hypothetical example of auto-regulation logic performed by Strongineering app could include:

·      The framework would adjust the upcoming sets of an exercise if the athlete has performed a single previous set and has gone beyond the target RPE by a big margin

·      The framework would adjust the upcoming sets of an exercise if the athlete has performed at least two previous sets of the same exercise and has gone beyond the target RPE by a moderate margin.

·      The framework would reduce the target load (intensity) or recommended repetitions of the upcoming set if the athlete has performed a single previous set and has not met the minimum load or recommended repetitions.

·      Also, the framework could increase the load or repetition required if the athlete has performed a single previous set and has gone beyond the maximum recommended load by at least 2.5 kg or 5lbs or recommended maximum repetition by 1 rep or more.

6.4.8 lifting tempo

All tempos can be used, except those that will go too quickly on eccentric motion and too slowly on the concentric contraction.


In other words, all tempos can work, but no tempo should be too slow (e.g., more than 5 seconds per repetition) or too quick (e.g., half a second or less per repetition) to cause joint pain or affect the technical execution of the exercise.


It is generally best to focus on the technical execution and proper coordination of the exercise instead of focusing on the lifting tempo unless the purpose of the exercise is to work on a specific tempo (e.g., pause bench press).

6.4.9 post-workout questionnaire

Post-training questionnaires have proven helpful in measuring post-session RPE, and the Strongineering framework uses them to optimize future workouts of a similar structure and intensity.

Along with the post-session RPE, the Strongineering framework utilizes PRS (Perceived Recovery Scale) to gauge and optimize the workout tolerance level of the athlete.

6.5 monitoring recovery

6.5.1 mindfulness

While the framework and Strongineering app assist athletes in monitoring their recovery status, the athlete must listen attentively to their body during training. The mindfulness that helps athletes feel and develop a strong perception of how well they have recovered is closely related to monitoring recovery.


At the same time, an athlete must keep track of their perceived recovery status and other essential variables such as sleeping hours, Heat Rate Variability (HRV), etc.


Within the Strongineering framework, we encourage the usage of the Perceived Recovery Scale (PRS) and entering the recovery status daily, or at least before the workout.

6.5.2 sleep

Sleep is essential to recovery, as most performance and muscular development come thanks to long and restful sleep. Numerous science and experiments have shown the importance of sleep for recovery and performance in various physical activities. 


The framework assumes that the athlete should get at least 7.5 to 9 hours of sleep on average.


On the days the athlete fails to sleep at least 7.5 hours, the optimization logic would apply the appropriate scaling down of the workout by reducing its intensity or volume. The opposite is also true if the athlete consistently gets more than 9 hours of sleep for at least 3 consecutive days.

6.5.3 nutrition intake and tracking

Sleep is essential to recovery, as most performance and muscular development come thanks to long and restful sleep. Numerous science and experiments have shown the importance of sleep for recovery and performance in various physical activities. 


The framework assumes that the athlete should get at least 7.5 to 9 hours of sleep on average.


On the days the athlete fails to sleep at least 7.5 hours, the optimization logic would apply the appropriate scaling down of the workout by reducing its intensity or volume. The opposite is also true if the athlete consistently gets more than 9 hours of sleep for at least 3 consecutive days.

Along with quality sleep, good nutrition and a proper diet are critical factors in achieving fitness goals. Athletes serious about improving their fitness performance and physique should learn to track their calorie and macronutrient (proteins, carbohydrates, and fats) intake.


A balanced diet is essential in helping the athlete recover from workouts and maintaining or building lean muscle mass.


For optimal muscle growth, athletes should maintain a slight calorie surplus and consume anywhere from 0.7 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight.


For fat loss, athletes should maintain a moderate calorie deficit and boost their protein intake to 1.2-1.8 grams per pound of body weight. Doing so is necessary for maintaining muscle and optimizing post-workout recovery.


The Strongineering workout routines recommend that athletes do not engage in extreme diet routines, such as going into an aggressive cutting phase or calorie deficit for too long (e.g., more than a month).


Exceptions here are professional bodybuilders or those with experienced support staff that watches over their health. An extreme calorie deficit could result in multiple health issues such as depression, hormonal imbalances, excessive metabolic adoption (downregulation), etc.